"Our experience with Float Therapy"
By Belinda & Ben
Float Therapy is the perfect combination of relaxation and recovery for the mind and the body. Imagine you’re floating without any effort in our private floats, a dark, soundproof room with a knee-deep pool of 450kgs of Magnesium Salt.  
What made you try Float Therapy?
Belinda: "My Float Therapy experience began shortly after I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2016. Fibromyalgia is a widespread muscle tenderness often triggered by physical or psychological stress to the body. This disorder caused me to experience anxiety, migraines and arthritis pain.
My specialist advised me with several avenues I could take for my Fibromyalgia including medication and hydrotherapy pool exercise. I was reluctant to try either; firstly I am extremely sensitive and allergic to most medications and secondly, the thought of sharing a pool was definitely questionable (being the germaphobe I am).  
I prefer natural solutions which is what lead me into Float Therapy. I began doing a lot of research and quickly discovered the many benefits and how hygienic it actually was. I read that Float Therapy can potentially assist in pain relief, removal of toxins from the body, increases positive thought patterns while in a meditative state and to my amazement, the high levels of magnesium in the water was inhospitable to bacteria. This seemed like the perfect solution for me!
I was in desperate need to ease me tension and anxiety and extremely keen to begin this wonderful new healing method and now I have never looked back."
What were you doing prior to Float Therapy?
Belinda: "As I refused to take any medication, the best I could do was to take warms baths and use reluctantly Voltaren. The warm baths helped with the pain, but this was only a short term fix and the feeling didn't last very long. Voltaren did help for a while, but eventually resulted in extreme sickness and stomach issues.
How has Float Therapy helped you?
Belinda: "Float Therapy has definitely changed my overall health and wellbeing, physically and mentally. It has reduced the inflammation in my muscles and joints, which allows me to walk for longer periods of time! It has also helped to reduce my migraines and anxiety.

After my Float Therapy appointments, I always feel relaxed and able to move more freely again. It also gives me a much needed quiet space for meditation. I love switching it up, sometimes I love silence, other times I like to play guided meditation music."

What made you try Float Therapy?
Ben: "Before Float Therapy, I began to experience and suffer with back tension along with restless sleep patterns. I have been suffering from chronic back pain ever since I was a teenager and working as a glazier doesn't often help. It can cause stress to the back, having to lift a lot of heavy glass along with standing all day.
After reading up on Float Therapy and noticing that 1 hours worth of sleep inside the Float Therapy tank can be equivalent to 4-6 hours uninterrupted sleep, I knew I had to give it a try. I also noticed the results that my wife Belinda was receiving from trying Float Therapy, so I thought it would be great to try it with her."
What were you doing prior to Float Therapy?
Ben: "I used creams on a daily basis such as Tigerbalm and Fisiocream. 
I also had to see an osteopathy and masseuse every week, which has now been reduced to fortnightly since I began my Float Therapy journey."
How has Float Therapy helped you?
Ben: "My back pain is immediately gone after a session of Float Therapy. I feel amazing for days after my appointment and it gives me a much needed time out for relaxation and meditation. As my job is very physical, it's a treat to visit The Bathhouse to enjoy an hours worth of peace with my partner.
I also find that I sleep better at night, as I feel relaxed and refreshed. It has been such a relief to have found a natural alternative for my back pain and I always look forward to my weekly visits."
Belinda: "I now have a better quality of life without ANY medication and I am so much happier. It's also really nice for my husband Ben and I to take some time out together and visit The Bathhouse. 
We always feel very comfortable and welcomed at the Bathhouse. They provide a clean, hygienic space for us to enjoy and the staff are so very beautiful and friendly! I just wish I could float daily, what a dream that would be!"
Book in for your first Float Therapy session here!
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